Bring color back into your backyard and plant your annuals & tropicals.
Plant your container gardens but especially in warm and dry weather, water them more frequent since the roots are above ground and not in planted beds.
Time to start fertilizing the annuals (10 days - 2 weeks) and you should be able to transplant any annuals that you started indoors (just pay attention to temperatures at night).
Fertilize once more with bone meal as spring bulbs die out & just let the rest green foliage die back naturally, it supplies a lot of nutrients back to the bulb.
When applying fertilizer to trees & shrubs, be careful to place around the perimeter of plant, not near the base or trunk.
Good time to plant summer blooming bulbs and a perfect time to start your Rose maintenance routine of spraying, watering, feeding & deadheading.
Prune spring shrubs that have finished blooming and if your spring perennials have finished flowering, dig & divide.
Continue to monitor plant material for insects & disease damage.
Replenish or replace mulch around trees, shrubs & in bed areas (3” - 4” deep) and continue to edge bed & turf areas.
Until warm the weather is here to stay you can still apply weed control to lawns but do not apply after the warm weather moved in.
Continue to spot spray lawn for weeds with appropriate herbicide by follow label instructions.
Continue to take care of all the birds in your yard, also, Hummingbirds should be back by now and can be made very happy with a simple sugar solution.
It is the perfect time to take care of your landscaping trouble areas, just call us at (631) 261-2226 if you have any questions or if you are looking for a re-design of your existing landscape, we always love to help.